About the problem of wrong screen ratio of mobile phone virtual machine in Android Studio(关于Android Studio中手机虚拟机屏幕比例不对的问题)

755 words


Holy,what an emotional damage

Solution 1

  • 取消勾选Enable Device Frame的选项
    Uncheck the Enable Device Frame option


PS: Valid for some models

Solution 2

  • 调整电脑显示缩放比例,只是和网上说的操作顺序有所不同,如下

    • step1:调整电脑缩放比例为125%
    • step2:打开安卓虚拟机
    • step3:再将电脑缩放比例调回默认
    • 问题解决
  • Adjusting the display scaling of the computer is just different from the order of operations mentioned on the Internet, as follows

    • step1: Adjust the computer zoom ratio to 125%
    • step2: Open the Android virtual machine
    • step3: Then adjust the computer scaling back to the default
    • problem solved


PS: The steps of operation are very important. After adjusting the scaling ratio, turn on the virtual machine, and then adjust the scaling ratio back to the initial value.

Solution 3

  • 新建AVD
    New AVD


If the first two methods do not solve the problem, you can try this method